Urdu: Eminent Personalities Of The Islamic World Part 67

دنیائے اسلام کی نامور شخصیات

By Furqan Danish (Part 67)

For Previous Parts - Click Here

Khilafat Forum: Media's Ramadan Transmission: A Severe Joke With ISLAM

Urdu: Syria And Third World War By Bilal Khan

Urdu: Acts Of Bani Israel Against Islam Part 4 By Ghulam Khairul Bashar Farooqui

Urdu: Keep Going By Aamra Ehsan

Latest Press Release: Related To Egypt's Crisis Dated: 15 August 2013

Khitab Jummah: Ideology Of Pakistan By Ameer-e-Tanzeem-e-Islami Hafiz Akif Saeed

Urdu: How To Eliminate Feudal System? By Dr. Israr Ahmed

Urdu: India's Challenge To Pakistan By Ayub Baig Mirza

Al-Huda by Dr. Israr Ahmed (RA) Part 575 - ۲۱سوره ابراہیم آیت۱۹ ۔

Urdu: Enemies Do Not Change! By Syed Qutub Shaheed (RA)

English: The Myth Of Muslim Appeasement By Aijaz Zaka Syed

Urdu: Eminent Personalities Of The Islamic World Part 66

دنیائے اسلام کی نامور شخصیات

By Furqan Danish (Part 66)

For Previous Parts - Click Here

Urdu: Acts Of Bani Israel Against Islam Part 3 By Ghulam Khairul Bashar Farooqui

Khilafat Forum: Oppressed Muslims Of Burma

Urdu: EID-ul-FITR Celebrations Of Allah's Blessings By Maulana Mauhammad Ameen Asri

Urdu: Fear Of Strangers By Aamra Ehsan

Urdu: Khitab Jummah: Establishing Justice By Ameer-e-Tanzeem-e-Islami Hafiz Akif Saeed

Latest Press Release: Pakistan’s Islamic foundations are being ruthlessly rooted out and our standing in the eyes of the International Community is continuously being cut to size, despite our national status as the only Muslim Nuclear Power in the world. Dated: 02 August 2013

Lahore (pr): In spite of being the only Muslim nuclear power in the world, Pakistan’s political and diplomatic attitude over the last decade or so has illustrated us as an impotent nation and criminally yet pitifully toothless  in matters of national and international importance..

This was stated by the Ameer of Tanzeem-e-Islami, Hafiz Akif Saeed, at Qur’an Academy Lahore during the Friday Sermon.


The Ameer was referring to the media statement given by the US foreign secretary, John Kerry, in which he allegedly stated that drone strikes in Pakistan would not be stopped, come what may. The Ameer noted that people had a feeling that the present government was following in the footsteps of the previous two regimes, stride for stride, in matters of international relations, security, economy and foreign policy. The Ameer commented that the Sharif government had literally pleaded for an IMF loan and said that we know too well about the rope tied to the money that would come in, euphemized by our sold out economic ministry, as conditions of structural reform, which in effect would result in a general hike in prices, increase inflation and cause a massive fall in the standard of living of the ordinary Pakistanis, hence making their lives further miserable.


The Ameer reiterated that Allah (SWT) had bestowed on humankind through all his blessed messengers (AS) a system of Social Justice, named Islam, so as to ensure justice in all aspects of human life, individual and collective alike. Muhammad (SAW) the final messenger of Allah (SWT) and his companions (RA) practically implemented that pristine system, which existed for a considerably long period. Ironically, following the people of the Book to the Lizard hole, we Muslims of later generations discarded it and are now facing a nightmare, where the blood of a Muslim is cheaper that of water. Muslims as an ‘Ummah’ (nation) have lost all respect and awe which it once commanded.

The Ameer also noted that our media was unceasingly poisoning the hearts and minds of our unsuspecting and at times impious populace. Citing examples from a famous media group ‘GEO Group’ the Ameer said that programs such as ‘Burqa Avengers’ and ‘Halwa Pur’ Village while shamelessly satirical of Islamic values also unfolded a sinister Dajjali agenda to deform the Pakistani society and its social fabric. He said that many analysts were of the view that the strings of these entertainment shows and cartoons were being pulled by our foreign emeries, many of which openly funded Pakistani media houses. The Ameer demanded that such TV shows which aid and abett the strategy of our proven enemies, deceptively in the name of freedom of information and choice, should immediately be pulled off the air by PEMRA. The Ameer concluded that under the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, it was incumbent on the sitting government to provide substantial opportunities to its people for practicing their lives according to the Qur’an and Sunnah, both at the individual and collective levels. The propagation, promotion and exhibition of such Indian and foreign movies and TV shows clearly and unequivocally violated our country’s constitution.


Earlier, the Ameer addressed the gathering on the importance of sowing the seeds of good during the last ten days of Ramadan. The Ameer while quoting words from a hadith said that the messenger of Allah (SAW) called it the days of ‘freedom from hellfire’, which implies the significance of fasting, special worship, performance of virtuous deeds and abstinence from the illegal especially during these days and nights. He also mentioned about searching for the ‘night of power’ during the odd numbered nights of these last few days to gain towering reward from Allah (SWT). The Ameer asked those present at the gathering and those listening online to take a positive start by making an intention that they will strive to establish an Islamic World Order of Social Justice by eliminating everything forbidden by Islam from their personal lives and their homes for the sake of Allah (SWT).


Al-Huda by Dr. Israr Ahmed (RA) Part 574 - ۱۸سوره ابراہیم آیت

Urdu: EID - Opportunity To Thank For Spritual Heights By Professor Maulana Khalil Ahmed Noori